суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

decode tivo to go

Well my desk top died last week. Iapos;m writing this on my laptop which I just got working the other night. And let me tell you, dead is dead, a friend tried to fix it, got a lot of the corrupted files under control it looked like we were making advances. But we hit a wall and concluded the only way to finish fixing it is with a Windows X64 CD and to run repair on it.

Well that would not work. Windows would not repair, so I had to overlay the new OS on the old OS, now Iapos;m salvaging all the files I can before I nuke the PC and start from scratch. Itapos;s going to take a while, as I have many random drivers to track down and torrent on my laptop.

Erf, I wonapos;t be comfortable on my puter for a while.. Oi. Fucking POS desktop, only lasted a year since I got it from my ex till when it crashes. -_- What ever, I shouldnapos;t have expected any better.

Besides that, Iapos;m pissed off as Sears basically stuck it to me. After dicking me around for the week they finally told me, and I quote. "We would like to offer you a job, unfortunately we donapos;t have any positions opening until November. We will call you if we need you." So if I recall my employment hints and codewords, "Weapos;ll call you" means go fuck your self. In business words.

So yeah, Iapos;m in a fucking great mood. Desktop is dead, No job yet, No money, no nothing. Fucking hell.

I hear furfright is going on, heh.

center edmonton soccer, decode tivo to go, decode tivotogo, decode tivotogo files, decode toyota vin.

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