пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

cheap rangefinders

I donapos;t work tomorrow. Not really. We are packing to move to our new building and will be there on the 3rd of�Nov for certain.

This has been a long week none-the-less.
I found out I have poly-cystic ovarian syndrome-- which COULD�lead to cancer if I do nothing about it. *rolls eyes*..... Well, I wouldnapos;t have gone in if I didnapos;t want to do something about whatever Iapos;m going through But Iapos;m not in that category at present. (Praise God) They also did blood work to see if my thyroid is out or if I just need hormone therapy. LOVE�Bein a girl. *DRIP�DRIP�DRIP�SARCASM*

I got a call on Tuesday that went something like this::::
"Thursday is�Jerryapos;s funeral just to let you know so you can do some cleaning in the church.�Not extensive, just make sure the bathrooms are stocked, you know."

Thatapos;s a nice way to find out the man weapos;ve all been praying for passed away. So I cleaned some yesterday, cleaned some today and will clean the rest tomorrow. The funeral was today and�I just couldnapos;t stop crying. And itapos;s not like Iapos;ve been "particularly close" to the family but it was very sad to know that he had cancer and it was in his brain, which miraculously they got and then went to his lungs. He was 49.

But anyway,�I didnapos;t stay for the "fellowship lunch",�I had to get back to work but I went home and cried some more and ended up being late to work.�*shrugs* Oh well.

I think�I have now been to 4 funerals in my life. I thought it had only been 2 (making this 3) but I then remembered going to one in Kansas when�I was younger. At any rate... I donapos;t like them and have decided I donapos;t want one. My "funeral" will be in the form of a worship and alter call service and there will be a party afterward. I mean, if youapos;re all going to get together for my death, you might as well celebrate my departure.


I dunno.... I have mixed feelings at present but itapos;ll pass.�Someone will get married or have a baby and itapos;ll be another day of cleaning.�*shrugs*

I started rearranging my apartment again.�I�got one side of it the way I want it, I think.�Now to work on the other side. Itapos;ll be good.

I got to read Dylanapos;s crack story that he posts and that made me happy. Hopefully soon�I will get the second book,�The Bringer of�War (go check it out�Do it Do it NOW) *ahem*�And then I can have a calm, relaxing weekend...... Or not so relaxing.... Who knows.
But itapos;s all gravy and�Iapos;m so tired that Iapos;m actually falling asleep at the wheel here. (keyboard)

So yeah.... Stuff.

Tell that someone that you love, just what youapos;re thinkin of
If tomorrow never comes...........

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